COVID-19 Regulations

Current COVID-19 Regulations

  • Starting December 5, 2021, a “3G” proof = “geimpft, genesen, getestet”, proof of full vaccination protection, recovery or a negative test result is required for access in the church and in the inner area of the parish hall and parish office.
  • PoC-Antigentest should not be older than 24 hours & PCR-Test, not older than 48 hours.
  • Self-tests are not allowed. Children under seven years of age are exempt from the obligation to test.
  • School children can also take part without a further test with proof of school ID (Kinder unter sieben Jahren sind von der Testpflicht befreit. Schüler_innen können mit einem Nachweis der Schule/Schülerausweis ebenfalls ohne weiteren Test teilnehmen).
  • The "3G" proofs are checked at the main entrance by our door managers.
  • In addition to the documents/proofs to be shown (electronic or printed), please also have a photo ID ready, in case the door managers do not know you.
  • Checks will take place upon entry only.
  • Wearing a FFP2 mask is mandatory when entering the church.

You can read more about the coronavirus guidelines issued by the Archdiocese of Hamburg here.

Here are some additional details about how English language masses are run at St. Elisabeth until further notice:

  • If you have any symptoms of illness or are in a high-risk group (60+, lung, heart, or immune issues), please don’t attend mass in person. There are many options for attending mass online. If you attend church regularly, please consider staggering your visits (every 2 or 3 Sundays) so that others can have a chance to participate in the mass.

  • Everyone over the age of 14 is required to wear an FFP2/N95/KN95 mask; Medical masks or cloth masks are no longer sufficient. Children between 7-14 must wear a mask, but it may be a cloth mask. Children under the age of 7 are not required to wear a mask, but must remain with their parents for the duration of the mass. Learn more about mask types and requirements.

  • Please take a seat at a vacant pew when you arrive. Please don’t change seats, and try to avoid moving around the church any more than is absolutely necessary.

  • During Holy Communion, process to the altar, whether you are receiving communion or not. Receive the host in your hands with your mask on, then take several steps to the side, and briefly remove your mask to consume the host. If you are not prepared to receive communion (for any reason), you may indicate this to the priest by crossing your arms over your chest, and you will receive a blessing.

  • At the end of mass, after the last hymn, please exit the church row by row.

Last updated Apr 2022.